Fwd: Guidelines For Indian Government Websites - e-Newsletter, 24 Februa ry 2011
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Web Master <webguidelines@nic.in>Date: Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 7:14 PM
Subject: Guidelines For Indian Government Websites - e-Newsletter, 24 Februa ry 2011
internationalcongresscommittee@gmail.com  |
| | Workshops on GIGW | - One day training program for Officials of Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India organised on 1st February 2011 at New Delhi.
- Workshop for Principal Secretaries/Secretaries of Uttarakhand Government organised on 28th January 2011.
- Two day orientation cum training program organised from 27-28 January 2011 at NIC, Software Development Unit, Pune.
- Two day orientation cum training program organised from 19-20 January 2011 at NIC, Rajasthan State Centre, Jaipur.
- Two day orientation cum training program organised from 14-15 January 2011 at Institute of Management in Government, Govt of Kerala, Thiruvananthapurm.
| |  | The expanding digital universe and the amplifying web has made lot of changes in our daily lives. With revolutionary changes in the ICT arena browsing the web in not only limited to personal computers and laptops. We have Mobile Phones, PDAs and other hand held devices through which websites are accessed easily using variety of internet connection. Mobile phone penetration in India is growing rapidly at 3-4 per cent per month. At the end of Dec 2010, there were 752.19 million wireless subscriptions which outnumber the landline and broadband connections. Currently PC Internet penetration among Indians of 12 years-plus is only 6 percent and less than 1 percent in rural areas. This prompts us to predict that for the majority of people their first experience of surfing the Internet will also be on a wireless device. At present, major problem with websites is their non availability on mobile devices. Mobile web access today still suffers from usability problems. There are very few websites that comeup properly when viewed on a mobile device. This is mainly due to lack of standards followed while designing and developing those websites. Compliance to Guidelines for Indian Govt. Websites (GIGW) shall ensure most of the accessibility consideration like separation of content from presentation, key board access, use of access keys, providing accessible menu, colours that offer good contrast, readable fonts, valid web pages, mobile friendly style sheets, good page titles, accessible links etc and help in achieving compatibility with mobile devices also. Compliance to GIGW is not about posing a limitation on your website rather it is about extending the number of people who can benefit from your site. Let us start making our websites mobile friendly. Check the mobile friendliness of your website under our Tools and Resources section. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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